*A series of guides on shooting Street Photography in cities around the world. Find the best spots to shoot, things to capture, street walks, street tips, safety concerns, and more for cities around the world. I have personally researched, explored and shot Street Photography in every city that I create a guide for. So you can be ready to capture the streets as soon as you step outside with your camera!
Postcard Prints (Limited Edition One-of-a-Kind Design)
Announcing a Limited Edition Set of One-of-a-kind Designed Postcard Prints
Since I’m always on the road traveling and making photos during my 100 City Project, it only made sense to create some Postcard Prints from my images. So I did just that!
These postcards were designed by myself with a detailed back showcasing my original travel and street postcard theme and a glossy front showcasing a selection of my more popular images (inside a classy white border). These aren’t your normal postcards, either. I made sure to have them professionally printed with the highest quality out there, in thick stock and a larger 5×7 size. They honestly came out even better than I hoped for so it’s time to start mailing them out. There are 12 images to choose from and each was made in a one time run of only 10. Never to be produced again.
For fun, you can choose to have it mailed with the full postcard treatment too. That means post office stamped and travel tested from wherever I am in the world. Of course, if you want it to arrive in pristine condition, I’ll mail it protected inside an envelope. Your choice!
It could be Captured in the parks of London, England and Mailed from the ghats of Varanasi, India. What Postcard Print will you choose and where will I mail it from?..

- Each printed in a Limited Edition of 10. Will never be reproduced.
- Postcard backs designed by myself. Photo Print fronts captured by myself (white border added).
- Individually Numbered and Signed, including the location the photo was both taken and mailed from.
- You choose if you want it mailed with the full postcard treatment (stamped and travel tested) or in an envelope for protection.
- Full post card treatment includes a personalized note from me just like a postcard should (can request w/ packaged order too).
Price (shipping included w/ full postcard treatment):
- $15 each
- 3 for $40
- 5 for $60
- All 12 for $120
Below you’ll find the Postcard Prints ordered by number. Just input your name and email address in the form below, along with the print number(s), how many you want, and mailing address. Please also check if you’d like it sent with the full postcard experience or if you’d prefer it protected in an envelope. I will send you a PayPal invoice and get your order mailed out to you as soon as payment is received and details are confirmed.
Thank you!












33 Street Photography Photos from Two Weeks in London, England
After Paris and a quick flight, came City #36 London, England on my 100 Cities Project. Following Paris with London provided the two most visited cities in the world back to back. And maybe the most photographed too, especially for street photography. Fortunately, London is so packed with a variety of neighborhoods full of their own character and a blend of antiquity and urban vibrance, there are still endless places to shoot. From the West End to the East End, London provides one of my favorite cities to visit for photography.
So here’s 33 photos that I was able to capture during my time in London…
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7 First Impressions of London, England (From a Street Photography Perspective)
London regularly tops the list as the most visited city in the world, but even with all my travel, I had yet to be one of those many visitors. I made sure to change that in 2016 so during the summer I gave London an extended stay to get to know the city as much as possible. With so many street photographers in London, and the power of social media and this blog, I was able to meet up with more locals than any city to date. One of them, talented local photographer Dmitry Stepanenko, was especially kind enough to show me all over his city multiple days. London is packed with things to see and places to explore for street photography so it was great having some local guidance to maximize my time here.
From the West End to the East End, London has something for everyone. The city is filled with familiar landmarks, but it’s also filled with a variety of neighborhoods, each with their own character. It’s a diverse, multicultural working city with a blend of the past and present. As large and populated as it is, it doesn’t have the overwhelming feeling of a New York or Tokyo, yet has just as much to see and experience. London is immersed in history and antiquity mixed with a young, urban vibe. It’s London and there’s no place like it.
So here are my first impressions of London, from my personal Street Photographer perspective…
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Street Shot Sundays Photo of the Week: “Kidnapping, Caucasian Style”
Street Shot Sundays Story & Stats
This Sunday’s Street Shot of the Week was taken at Gorky Park in Moscow, Russia. Unless you’re from anywhere around Russia, odds are you’re wondering what is up with that post title. Well, “Kidnapping, Caucasian Style” is the name of a 1967 Soviet comedy film that revolves around bride kidnapping, an old tradition that used to exist in the Northern Caucasus. And that backdrop is from the movie. None of these details I knew at the time, but have since been informed thanks to the power of social media photo sharing.
When I took this shot, I was walking through Gorky Park and noticed this strange and somewhat randomly placed backdrop in the middle of the park. Gorky Park is the most famous park in Russia and was the first of its kind in the Soviet Union. It’s gigantic and contains everything you could imagine and more, from fair rides and food stands to lake boat rides and a skate park. It attracts mostly locals too so it’s a good spot to capture some of the non-tourist side of Moscow life.
I first noticed a couple of workers planting in the garden by this humorous back drop and walked over to take a few photos. As I walked over, a small group of older women came over and started laughing at what they saw. One of them excitedly ran over to have her photo taken with the two cut outs and as she began to walk away, it almost looked like she was walking out of the scene. Her outfit even went along with it, while the vegetation in the fake background blended with the park background. So I took the photo just as she stepped off and the gardener came into the scene with more plants. I later saw the woman’s eyes were closed, which is usually a bad thing, but in this case it kinda works for me with a similar expression to the man behind to her left, and an unreal look.
Now that I know about the movie, though, I guess it would have been better if she had been dressed as a bride. Something that really isn’t too uncommon to find walking around Moscow :)
Camera: Fujifilm Xpro1
Lens: Fujinon XF 18mm
Focal Length: 18mm (27mm full frame equivalent)
Aperture: f/10
Shutter Speed: 1/500
ISO: 1600
City Street Guides by f.d. walker: A Street Photography Guide to Stockholm, Sweden
*A series of guides on shooting Street Photography in cities around the world. Find the best spots to shoot, things to capture, street walks, street tips, safety concerns, and more for cities around the world. I have personally researched, explored and shot Street Photography in every city that I create a guide for. So you can be ready to capture the streets as soon as you step outside with your camera!
33 Street Photography Photos from One Week in Paris, France
After Amsterdam and a short train ride, came city #35 Paris, France on my 100 Cities Project. Commonly recognized as the birthplace of street photography, there’s no city as romanticized and photographed as Paris. The truth is there are plenty of sides to the city that you don’t see in most of the photos, though. With so much character, Paris still manages to give you plenty of material to capture.
So here’s 33 photos that I was able to capture during my time in Paris…
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Master Profiles: Gueorgui Pinkhassov

* “Master Profiles” is a series profiling all the great photographers of uncontrolled life. Unlike the rest of the blog, I’m doing these in a straight profile format to make it easy for quick access to facts, quotes and knowledge on all the masters. I’ll also group them together here every time I add a new one.
Gueorgui Pinkhassov (1952-Present)
Russian photographer known for his command of color and light to create mood and scenes with an abstract quality.
7 First Impressions of Paris, France (From a Street Photography Perspective)
After a week in Amsterdam, next on the 100 city project list was a train down to Paris, France. After an easy 3 hour ride, I was in the middle of the most romanticized city of all. For many, Paris is the ultimate city. Full of beauty, history, culture, romance and style. For some, though, finding out that Paris isn’t always the beautiful city they imagine can give different impressions. For me, I appreciate that edgier side of Paris mixed in with its famous atmosphere. It is touristy, crowded and as photographed as any city in the world, but all that Paris brings more than makes up for it. Long been a center for artists and writers, in addition to tourists, it draws people in for a reason and is a city everyone must visit, including photographers.
Paris is also considered the birthplace of street photography, conjuring the classic black & white street photos of the past. With so much timeless and recognizable scenery in the city, you do have to watch out for the cliché. But luckily, Paris is so rich visually with street photo opportunities that there’s still plenty to capture. And beyond the romantic exterior, there’s a different side to the city that provides even more opportunity for something different.
So here are my first impressions of Paris, from my personal Street Photographer perspective…
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City Street Guides by f.d. walker: A Street Photography Guide to Moscow, Russia
*A series of guides on shooting Street Photography in cities around the world. Find the best spots to shoot, things to capture, street walks, street tips, safety concerns, and more for cities around the world. I have personally researched, explored and shot Street Photography in every city that I create a guide for. So you can be ready to capture the streets as soon as you step outside with your camera!
[Read more…] about City Street Guides by f.d. walker: A Street Photography Guide to Moscow, Russia