Port-au-prince, Haiti came in as major city #65 on my Major City project and here I’ll share a few first impressions covering the city with my camera.
Port-au-prince might not be a popular destination in the Carribean, but it’s been one that I’ve been interested in visiting ever since seeing the amazing work there by photographers like Alex Webb, Bruce Gilden and Maggie Steber. It always felt like a complex place of beauty and devastation where vibrant life overcomes, like a rose from the cracks. While Haiti was once one of the richest countries in the Americas, it’s the poorest today. Walking the streets of Port-au-prince 10 years after their devastating earthquake can be surreal, as it still almost feels and looks like it happened yesterday. Crumbling buildings, rubble, trash and smoke fill many of the streets.
Port-au-prince shouldn’t be judged at first sight, though, because amidst all that, you’ll also find color, vibrance, character, energy, life and yes, beauty. It creates one of the more interesting and complex dynamics of any city I’ve covered. The city isn’t made for easy traveling, you have to be adventurous, but while it can seem intimidating at first, it ended up being one of the most friendly places I experienced all year. The streets are so full of life and contradiction, it’s hard to describe, but I’ll try.
Here are my first impressions of Port-au-Prince, from my personal Street Photographer perspective…