Street Light is a monthly series where I showcase photography work to purchase that might not have as much visibility or large production numbers. From smaller run-offs and zines to books and crowdfunding campaigns, I’ll try to feature selections of mostly newer work that you’re not as likely to find in bookstores everywhere. Hopefully, this can be a way to help talented photographers get their work seen for purchase, while also helping readers find great work they didn’t know was available. So, check here to find what’s out there, much of it before it’s gone. (All bi-monthly selections will be added to a permanent page, organizing them together so you can come check anytime)
And if you have a new photo book, zine or crowdfunding campaign, or if you’d like to recommend another photographer’s, please comment it below. (no e-books/e-zines, please)
Photo Books & Zines : April 2019
(Selection information quoted from links)
Award-winning Brazilian photographer Gustavo Minas makes discoveries where everything seems to be known already. On the streets of Brazil the master of light and shadows subtly turns his gaze on the everyday and the unspectacular and creates a new world with his pictorial language.
Gustavo Minas studied photography with Carlos Moreira, a classic street photographer in São Paulo. Moreira introduced him to the work of Harry Gruyaert and Gueorgui Pinkhassov. “I wanted this light and these colours for myself, so I hunted for them in the streets of São Paulo, in my home town of Cássia and recently in Brasilia, where I moved to in 2014. Over the years I became more and more obsessed and passionate. The city fascinated me every day, like a new girlfriend. I had no preconceived ideas, I was interested in everything, from garbage cans to all the sleepy people riding the bus to their offices. In a certain light nothing looked normal. I have been to places I would never have come to if I did not take photographs. Strolling with an empty mind has taught me the joy of seeing.”
View/Purchase HERE
View/Purchase HERE
Zisis Kardianos : A SENSE OF PLACE
The photographs collected in this book suggest a journey off the beaten track where my personal exploration of my native island is shared with you in the hope to leave you with an emotional understanding of the place more than a literal sense of location. Photography, contrary to the common belief, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.
It’s impossible to objectively describe a place or the people who live there anyway. Every adjective suggests the opposite. Every description evokes a contradiction. In trying to document a specific place, to put it into context and to show what it’s really like, we photographers do not easily escape the traps of cliché and stereotypes. I hope that I have done my best to avoid them. Since this is a personal exploration, many aspects of life in the island have been ignored.
I am more of an observer than an intruder. Still, through my photographs, I seek to create a world that is fictional in spite of being made with the raw materials of reality.
© Zisis Kardianos
SIGNED – Plus a FREE 13x18cm inkjet print with a personalized thank you note
View/Purchase HERE 

View/Purchase HERE
Matt Weber : STREET TRIP : Life in NYC
Matt Weber has been shooting the streets of New York for the past 40 years, many of his images taken while running fares in his New York City taxi cab. His camera captures New York without pretense and with the love and attention that only a native could afford. Each image documenting the small yet extremely significant moments in the life of a city that never sleeps. Street Trip: Life in NYC is a compellingly curated collection of his finest street photography, an authentic look at daily life from someone who has consistently been ‘in the right place, at the right time’. His images are both timely and timeless and tell the stories of real life in the Big Apple in unfiltered and honest detail.
View/Purchase HERE
A book of uncomfortable looking people who can’t seem to grasp the simple task of wearing a backpack properly… 48 perfect bound pages. 6×9 inches in size. Every book is signed and numbered in the edition of 200. A signed 4×6 print pack is included with every book. (All San Francisco. All 35mm)
View/Purchase HERE
View/Purchase HERE
Tour Dogs : Zine Subscription
6 or 12 months of zines published by Tour Dogs. Subscription costs will not auto-renew.
In an effort to get everyone access to the monthly zines, Tour Dogs is starting a subscription service. Zines are designed by Trey Michael Derbes and will now be professionally printed, featuring a variety of talented photographers.
Follow @tourdogs for updates on new zines and free giveaways.
View/Purchase HERE
If you have a new photo book, zine or crowdfunding campaign, or if you’d like to recommend another photographer’s, please comment it below…
Comment Here!