With very little to no internet in Cuba, it looks like I’ll be mostly off the grid until the end of the month. After this upcoming week, I should be back to my scheduled posting.
For a quick update, though, through years of travel I’ve yet to have even a cent stolen, but that streak ended here my second day in Havana. I was robbed a good chunk of my cash so since I’m American and can’t use ATM or credit cards here, it looks like I’ll have to forget my planned travel in Cuba and stay right here to make the rest of my money last until my flight out. On the bright side, if I was to choose one city in the world to be “stuck” in with my camera, it would probably be Havana. So here’s a candid photo and a non-candid photo from here, and I’ll see you all once I land in Miami for the Miami Street Photography Festival!
Side story for the non-candid photo: I was walking back from confronting the thieves who stole my money when I snapped a candid pic of these two ladies drinking on their doorstep. They laughed and we started a conversation with my very bad Spanish, eventually touching on me being robbed. That prompted them to invite me for a beer and more good, but mostly lost in translation conversation. This is the second, less candid, but more memorable pic of the two of them by their doorstep before I said goodbye.
If I took a drink for every time I’m offered rum or a beer while out shooting in Havana, I’d be drunk all day. And if I said I often turn down a drink, I’d also be a liar ;) Cheers!
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